Sunday, February 7, 2016

Why I Never Get Anything Done

My days are... Tricky

3 out 4 people in our house have ADHD and/or ADD. So, three of us are insanely cranky until the Adderall kicks in and the fourth person mostly hides. 

I try to keep things neat and clean. This would be easier if I did not have todo a daily hazmat check on my children's rooms. 

Sassy's room on any day that ends in Y

Shoes. They're everywhere. They're dirty, or old. They're too loose; too tight or bumpy. Sometimes, even though they're everywhere... no one can find them. 

Harry loves shoes. 


Just... Cats. 

Homework. This is my kid's average daily homework load. He's six. 

Common Core is a diabolical scheme to make grown-ups cry. 

I mean, yeah I don't do this mom-gig for the glory and glamour. So, okay, I should almost surely be less needing of reassurance. BUT. Since I spend all of my time anticipating, catering to and meeting the needs of these humans that I love I'm going to need, just sometimes, a "Nice job, Mom." And a big cup of coffee or a small glass of wine. 

I just wanted to see if it would fit. 

You know, I get it. Every mom (and dad and person) has a lot going on these days. I'm just thinking it's time to stop asking, "What are you so busy with?" Because it's never going to start a constructive conversation and dangit, it'll wear a mom down. 
This shirt is from Paper Clouds. It's an awesome organization... you should visit 

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