Sunday, January 31, 2016

Clutter Free In 28!

Hi! I'm sure you have clutter in your house... Does your kitchen look like mine?

I know your "office" might be messy but how about this bit of terror...
I won't even show you the actual play room because I'm frankly appalled at the destruction a six-year-old can cause if left unchecked. 

There are many areas in my house that would visually prove we tend towards pack rat status. In my own defense, we live in Arizona & don't have a basement or attic, which is where all the much needed (?) flotsam used to reside. Oh, how I miss our PA house sometimes; storage galore!

Side note: I have a brilliant friend that keeps a small storage area space for the truly needed stuff & declutters her house post-Christmas before she returns her Christmas decorations. So smart but not in our budget!

I usually get an itch to clean, organize and de-clutter the first week of January. The Christmas haul is usually overwhelming too many areas of the house so once the kids are back in school I pounce! The past few years though I haven't gotten far before everything just ends up in totes or, worse, shoved under the bed (ugh). As a resourceful and sentimental person I just can't part with anything!

So... It's time to get RUTHLESS in February! I'll update my progress and maybe that will keep me on track. 

Wish me luck & leave me tips in the comments!

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